PA Card

About PA
Membership and Discounts

The performing arts membership card is available to any student involved with one or more performing arts societies within the University of Southampton. It costs £5 for the whole of 2019, and can be purchased from the Union Box Office.

The following discounts are available to the holder (who may also have to show student ID)...

The Annex

Discounted Tickets

Get discounted tickets for any show in The Annex Theatre.


Discounted Entry

£2 discount on entry on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, plus £1 discount on Mondays and Fridays.

The PA ball

Discounted ticket

PA Card holders get a discount on PA Ball tickets.

Turner Sims

£7.50 Tickets

Get £7.50 tickets to shows in the Turner Sims.


Discounted Entry

Free entry before Midnight, and £2 entry after.

The Hobbit

Discounted Drinks

Happy hour prices on Hobit Cocktails on a Friday and Saturday (£1 discount), All Hobbit shots and bombs only £1.70, and £1 entry on Friday and Saturday nights.

The Point

Discounted Tickets

Discounted rates on selected shows at The Point, Eastleigh.

The Nuffield

Discounted Tickets

Discounted rates on selected shows at The Nuffield Theatres.


10% off Drinks

10% off drinks in The Stag's, The Bridge and other SUSU Bars.